HO2 + CH2O -> HCO + H2O2

k = 5.60E6 T^2 exp(-12000 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s


A least-squares fit with fixed temperature power of 2.0 to recent experimental data:

The starting expression for k(121) in the GRI-Mech 3.0 optimization was from Eiteneer et al. (JPC 1998), which was obtained by a least-squares fit of recent experimental data with a fixed T^2.5 term . Optimization based only on Eiteneer et al's experiments (targets BCO.T1-T7) did not change k(121). However, joint optimization with targets from the work of Hidaka et al (IJCK 1993) (BCH2O.T1-T3) approximately doubled the starting expression.

The temperature range of the targets sensitive to k(121) is narrow, 1250-1600 K. Lower temperature data ( Baldwin and Walker at 773 K and Jemi-Alade et al. at 541-656 K) is fit by the starting expression but overpredicted by the optimized expression. Therefore, a new final rate coefficient expression was chosen to fit both the lower temperature results and the optimized rate constants in the 1250-1600K range, using a T^2 term.

This new expression, k(121)=5.6e6 T^2 exp(-12000/RT) is within +/- 3% of the optimized expression in the range 1250-1600 K.

Served as an optimization variable for GRI-Mech 3.0, and was multiplied by 2.05 in the optimization.


    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   (cm3/mol)

     300         2.6          .5    9.13E+02    5.76E+02    1.59E+00
     500         3.4          .8    7.96E+06    3.25E+06    2.45E+00
    1000         4.0         1.2    1.34E+10    3.29E+09    4.05E+00
    1500         3.9         1.2    2.25E+11    4.55E+10    4.95E+00
    2000         3.8          .9    1.09E+12    2.02E+11    5.41E+00
    2500         3.6          .5    3.13E+12    5.57E+11    5.61E+00
    3000         3.5          .1    6.73E+12    1.19E+12    5.68E+00

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