SOURCE: The polynomial coefficients are from Kee, R.J., Rupley, F.M., and Miller, J.A. (1990) The Chemkin Thermodynamic Data Base, Sandia National Laboratories, Report SAND87-8215B.

    T           Cp          S        delta-Hf
  _____        ________________      ________
    K             cal/mol K          kcal/mol
   300         9.08       54.66        3.88
   400        10.79       57.51        3.23
   500        12.43       60.10        2.66
   600        13.98       62.50        2.18
   700        15.38       64.76        1.79
   800        16.63       66.90        1.47
   900        17.70       68.92        1.23
  1000        18.60       70.84        1.05
  1100        19.29       72.64         .91
  1200        19.93       74.35         .81
  1300        20.51       75.97         .74
  1400        21.04       77.51         .69
  1500        21.51       78.98         .67
  1600        21.94       80.38         .66
  1700        22.33       81.72         .68
  1800        22.68       83.01         .70
  1900        22.99       84.24         .73
  2000        23.26       85.43         .78
  2100        23.51       86.57         .82
  2200        23.72       87.67         .87
  2300        23.91       88.73         .93
  2400        24.07       89.75         .98
  2500        24.21       90.73        1.03
  2600        24.34       91.68        1.08
  2700        24.44       92.60        1.12
  2800        24.53       93.50        1.17
  2900        24.61       94.36        1.20
  3000        24.67       95.19        1.23

[ the thermo data file ]