CH + N2 -> HCN + N

k = 2.86E+08 T^1.1 exp(-20400 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s

A preliminary version of an RRKM fit by Rodgers and Smith(1996) to the data of Dean et al (1990) and Lindackers et al (1990).

Served as an optimization variable in GRI-Mech 2.1 release. The rate coefficient was decreased by a factor of 1.41.

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Lindackers, D., Burmeister, M., and Roth, P. (1990) 23rd Symposium (International) on Combustion, p. 251.
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    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----    

     300        -4.6         2.5    2.09E-04    1.36E-01    1.53E-03
     500        -4.5         2.5    3.23E+02    4.00E+04    8.06E-03
    1000        -3.6         3.2    1.99E+07    6.15E+08    3.23E-02
    1500        -3.1         3.9    9.50E+08    1.64E+10    5.79E-02
    2000        -2.7         4.5    7.22E+09    8.80E+10    8.20E-02
    2500        -2.5         5.0    2.57E+10    2.48E+11    1.04E-01
    3000        -2.3         5.4    6.24E+10    5.05E+11    1.24E-01

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