CH2(S) + N2 -> NH + HCN

k = 1.00E+11 exp(-65000 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s

Derived from the rate coefficient estimated for the triplet CH2 reaction by decreasing the A factor by a factor of 100 to allow for spin change and decreasing the activation energy by the singlet-triplet separation energy.

    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----    

     300          .6        14.8    4.45E-37    2.12E-26    2.10E-11
     500         1.0        15.0    3.88E-18    8.46E-12    4.59E-07
    1000         1.9        15.6    6.23E-04    6.27E-01    9.93E-04
    1500         2.3        16.1    3.39E+01    2.39E+03    1.42E-02
    2000         2.6        16.7    7.89E+03    1.41E+05    5.60E-02
    2500         2.9        17.4    2.08E+05    1.58E+06    1.32E-01
    3000         3.2        18.2    1.84E+06    7.70E+06    2.39E-01

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