H + CH4 -> CH3 + H2

k = 6.60E+08 T^1.62 exp(-10840 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s

Transition-state-theory evaluation of Rabinowitz et al. (1991), Kurylo et al. (1970), Moller et al.(1986), and Kerr and Parsonage (1976).
Served as an optimization variable in the GRI-Mech 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1 releases. The rate coefficient was not changed.

Rabinowitz et al. (1991)
Rabinowitz, M.J., Sutherland, J.W., Patterson, P.M., and Klemm, R.B. (1991) J. Phys. Chem. 95, 674.
Kurylo et al. (1970)
Kurylo, M.J., Hollinden, G.A., and Timmons, R.B. (1970) J. Chem. Phys. 52, 1773.
Moller et al.(1986)
Moller, W., Mozzhukhin, E., and Wagner, H.Gg. (1986) Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 90, 854.
Kerr and Parsonage (1976)
Kerr, J.A., and Parsonage, M.J. (1976) Evaluated Kinetic Data on Gas Phase Hydrogen Transfer Reactions of Methyl Radicals, Butterworths, London.
Wintergerst and Frank (1993)
Wintergerst, K., and Frank, P. (1993) to be published.

    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   

     300         5.7          .8    8.62E+04    2.05E+04    4.20E+00
     500         6.8         1.3    2.84E+08    3.36E+07    8.46E+00
    1000         7.0         1.3    2.04E+11    1.18E+10    1.73E+01
    1500         6.2          .3    2.43E+12    1.20E+11    2.02E+01
    2000         5.3        -1.1    9.61E+12    4.88E+11    1.97E+01
    2500         4.6        -2.9    2.38E+13    1.33E+12    1.79E+01
    3000         3.9        -4.8    4.60E+13    2.92E+12    1.57E+01

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