SOURCE: The polynomial coefficients are from A. Burcat and B. McBride (1993) 1994 Ideal Gas Thermodynamic Data for Combustion and Air-Pollution Use. Technion Report TAE 697. [Enthalpy altered to the heat of formation given by W.R. Anderson, 'Oscillator Strength of NH2 and the Heat of Formation of NH and NH2,' (1989) J. Chem. Phys. 93, 530]

    T           Cp          S        delta-Hf
  _____        ________________      ________
    K             cal/mol K          kcal/mol
   200.        8.00       43.40       46.11
   298         8.09       46.60       45.90
   300.        8.10       46.65       45.90
   400.        8.31       49.01       45.67
   500.        8.60       50.90       45.46
   600.        8.94       52.49       45.28
   700.        9.30       53.90       45.13
   800.        9.67       55.17       45.01
   900.       10.04       56.33       44.90
  1000.       10.41       57.40       44.82
  1100.       10.74       58.41       44.75
  1200.       11.05       59.36       44.71
  1300.       11.34       60.25       44.67
  1400.       11.61       61.10       44.66
  1500.       11.86       61.91       44.65
  1600.       12.09       62.69       44.65
  1700.       12.31       63.43       44.67
  1800.       12.52       64.14       44.69
  1900.       12.71       64.82       44.72
  2000.       12.88       65.47       44.75
  2100.       13.05       66.11       44.79
  2200.       13.20       66.72       44.84
  2300.       13.35       67.31       44.90
  2400.       13.48       67.88       44.96
  2500.       13.61       68.43       45.02
  2600.       13.73       68.97       45.09
  2700.       13.84       69.49       45.16
  2800.       13.94       69.99       45.24
  2900.       14.04       70.48       45.32
  3000.       14.13       70.96       45.40

[ the thermo data file ]