NNH + OH -> H2O + N2

k = 2.00E+13 cm3/mol s

The rate coefficient based on the 209 NNH + H -> H2 + N2 reaction, with allowance for larger reduced mass.

    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   

     300        -6.7      -126.8    2.00E+13    2.29E-78    8.74E+90
     500        -7.0      -127.0    2.00E+13    2.16E-41    9.28E+53
    1000        -7.8      -127.5    2.00E+13    1.35E-13    1.48E+26
    1500        -8.2      -128.0    2.00E+13    2.73E-04    7.33E+16
    2000        -8.3      -128.3    2.00E+13    1.27E+01    1.58E+12
    2500        -8.4      -128.4    2.00E+13    8.09E+03    2.47E+09
    3000        -8.4      -128.4    2.00E+13    6.01E+05    3.33E+07

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