CH3 + CH3OH -> CH2OH + CH4

k = 3.00E07 T^1.5 exp(-9940 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s

This is 0.67 of the expression given by Dombrowsky and Wagner (1989), as needed to fit the data reported by Anastasi and Hancock (1990)

Dombrowsky and Wagner (1989)
Dombrowsky, Ch., and Wagner, H.Gg. (1989) Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 93, 633.
Anastasi and Hancock (1990)
Anastasi, C., and Hancock, D.U. (1990) J. Chem. Soc. Farad. Trans. 86, 2553.

    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   

     300         -.8        -8.4    8.95E+03    1.02E-02    8.76E+05
     500         -.7        -8.3    1.52E+07    4.79E+03    3.17E+03
    1000         -.4        -8.2    6.38E+09    1.30E+08    4.89E+01
    1500         -.1        -7.7    6.21E+10    4.85E+09    1.28E+01
    2000          .3        -7.1    2.20E+11    3.22E+10    6.84E+00
    2500          .7        -6.2    5.07E+11    1.04E+11    4.89E+00
    3000         1.1        -5.0    9.30E+11    2.30E+11    4.04E+00

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