CH3 + CH3 -> H + C2H5

k = 5.00E12 T^0.1 exp(-10600 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s

Stewart, P.H., Larson, C.W., and Golden, D.M. (1989) Combust. Flame 75, 25.
Served as an optimization variable in GRI-Mech 1.1, 1.2, and 2.1 releases. As a result of optimization round 1.1, the preexponential factor was increase by 1.81. In optimization rounds 1.2 and 2.1 the rate coefficient was returned to the original value reported above.

    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   

     300        -6.3        10.2    1.67E+05    1.13E+14    1.48E-09
     500        -6.5        10.2    2.16E+08    1.58E+14    1.37E-06
    1000        -5.3        11.1    4.80E+10    1.83E+14    2.62E-04
    1500        -4.2        12.4    2.96E+11    1.60E+14    1.86E-03
    2000        -3.5        13.7    7.41E+11    1.34E+14    5.53E-03
    2500        -2.9        15.0    1.29E+12    1.14E+14    1.14E-02
    3000        -2.5        16.1    1.88E+12    9.82E+13    1.91E-02

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