H + C2H4 (+M) -> C2H5 (+M)

k_o = 1.20E+42 T^(-7.62) exp(-6970 cal/mol /RT) cm^6/mol^2 s

k_inf = 1.08E+12 T^0.45 exp(-1820 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s

F_cent = (1-0.975) exp(-T/210) + 0.975 exp(-T/984) + exp(-4374/T)

Third-body efficiencies:

N2 1.0 H2 Enhanced by 2.0 H2O Enhanced by 6.0 CH4 Enhanced by 2.0 CO Enhanced by 1.5 CO2 Enhanced by 2.0 C2H6 Enhanced by 3.0 AR Enhanced by 0.7

Extended the temperature range, using an RRKM fit, of the decomposition rate coefficient expressions and results of Feng et al. (1993) and Henning-Lee et al. (1993), and converted the resulting expressions to reverse reaction rate coefficients using the GRI-Mech thermochemistry. The k_inf parameters are from Feng et al. (1993) and Henning-Lee et al. (1993) and the k_o expression extends their fit above 1100 K using a calculation based on the method of Troe (1977).

Parameters for the k_o and F_cent extension calculation:
delta-E(0 K) = 2.3 kcal/mol
delta-H(0 K) = -37.5 kcal/mol
<delta E> = 0.40 kcal/mol
The Lennard-Jones parameters: sigma (C2H5-N2) = 4.12 A, epsilon = 124 K
I+/I = 1.1
v = 3112, 3033, 2987, 2920, 2840, 1460, 1440, 1430, 1370, 1175, 1138, 948, 713, 540 cm^(-1)

Results for decomposition direction k_o (cm3/mol s)
GRI-Mech 6.9E-9 4.1E2 1.3E8 4.3E10
Feng et al. (1993) 1.3E-9 4.5E2 1.5E8 8.9E10

Served as an optimization variable in GRI-Mech 1.2 and 2.1 releases. The rate coefficient was not changed.

The pressure broadening is expressed in the Troe form.

Feng et al. (1993)
Feng, Y., Niiranen, J.T., Bencsura, A., Knyazev, V.D., Gutman, D., and Tsang, W. (1993) J. Phys. Chem. 97, 871.
Henning-Lee et al. (1993)
Henning-Lee, M.A., Green, N.J.B., Pilling, M.J., and Robertson, S.H. (1993) J. Phys. Chem. 97, 860.
Troe (1977)
Troe, J. (1977) J.Chem.Phys. 66, 4745.

                        PRESSURE = 0.1 atm N2  
    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq     
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   (cm3/mol)  
     300       -20.8       -36.3    4.79E+11    2.47E-15    1.94E+26
     500       -22.3       -36.9    1.21E+12    1.67E-04    7.24E+15
    1000       -23.9       -38.0    3.23E+11    3.27E+03    9.90E+07
    1500       -24.4       -38.6    3.67E+10    1.52E+05    2.41E+05
    2000       -24.7       -39.0    6.10E+09    4.92E+05    1.24E+04
    2500       -24.8       -39.3    1.39E+09    6.46E+05    2.15E+03
    3000       -24.8       -39.5    3.92E+08    5.69E+05    6.90E+02

                        PRESSURE = 1 atm N2    
    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq     
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   (cm3/mol)  
     300       -20.8       -36.3    6.23E+11    3.21E-15    1.94E+26
     500       -22.3       -36.9    2.24E+12    3.10E-04    7.24E+15
    1000       -23.9       -38.0    1.43E+12    1.45E+04    9.90E+07
    1500       -24.4       -38.6    2.66E+11    1.10E+06    2.41E+05
    2000       -24.7       -39.0    5.10E+10    4.11E+06    1.24E+04
    2500       -24.8       -39.3    1.25E+10    5.82E+06    2.15E+03
    3000       -24.8       -39.5    3.68E+09    5.33E+06    6.90E+02

                        PRESSURE = 10 atm N2   
    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq     
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   (cm3/mol)  
     300       -20.8       -36.3    6.54E+11    3.37E-15    1.94E+26
     500       -22.3       -36.9    2.67E+12    3.69E-04    7.24E+15
    1000       -23.9       -38.0    3.90E+12    3.94E+04    9.90E+07
    1500       -24.4       -38.6    1.27E+12    5.25E+06    2.41E+05
    2000       -24.7       -39.0    3.52E+11    2.84E+07    1.24E+04
    2500       -24.8       -39.3    1.03E+11    4.77E+07    2.15E+03
    3000       -24.8       -39.5    3.28E+10    4.76E+07    6.90E+02

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