H + HO2 -> O + H2O

k = 3.97E+12 exp(-671 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s

A least-squares fit to the data from Dixon-Lewis (1987), Sridharan et al. (1982), and Keyser (1986).
Dixon-Lewis (1987)
Dixon-Lewis, G. (1987) in Complex Chemical Reactions Systems. Mathematical Modelling and Simulation, J. Warnatz and W. Jager, Eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Sridharan et al. (1982)
Sridharan, W.C., Qiu, L.X. and Kaufman, F. (1982) J. Phys. Chem. 86, 4569.
Keyser (1986)
Keyser, L.F. (1986) J. Phys. Chem. 90, 2994.
Warnatz (1984)
Warnatz, J. (1984) in Combustion Chemistry, W.C. Gardiner, Ed., Springer-Verlag, Chap. 5.

    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   

     300         1.4       -53.3    1.29E+12    8.54E-28    1.51E+39
     500         1.2       -53.5    2.02E+12    4.79E-12    4.22E+23
    1000          .3       -54.1    2.83E+12    3.64E+00    7.78E+11
    1500         -.3       -54.8    3.17E+12    3.76E+04    8.43E+07
    2000         -.6       -55.3    3.35E+12    4.02E+06    8.35E+05
    2500         -.8       -55.8    3.47E+12    6.79E+07    5.11E+04
    3000         -.9       -56.2    3.55E+12    4.54E+08    7.82E+03

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