H2 + CO (+M) -> CH2O (+M)

k_o = 5.07E+27 T^(-3.42) exp(-84350 cal/mol /RT) cm^6/mol^2 s

k_inf = 4.30E+07 T^1.5 exp(-79600 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s

F_cent = (1-0.932) exp(-T/197) + 0.932 exp(-T/1540) + exp(-10300/T)

Third-body efficiencies:

N2 1.0 H2 Enhanced by 2.0 H2O Enhanced by 6.0 CH4 Enhanced by 2.0 CO Enhanced by 1.5 CO2 Enhanced by 2.0 C2H6 Enhanced by 3.0 AR Enhanced by 0.7

From 2 channel RRKM calculations that approximately fit the 1 atm results of Just (1981), Dean et al. (1980), and Forst (1983).

Parameters for 2-channel RRKM calculations of formaldehyde decomposition:

<delta-E>= 0.30 kcal/mol; no Waage-Rabinovitch centrifugal correction
The Lennard-Jones parameters: sigma (CH2O-Ar) = 3.70 A, epsilon = 180 K
Active molecular K-rotor 1.8 amu-A^2, sigma = 1
v = 2843, 2766, 1746, 1500, 1247, 1164 cm^(-1)
Adiabatic I = 149, 130 amu-A^2; sigma = 2

Transition state 1. H2 + CO

<delta-E>(0 K) = 79.5 kcal/mol (Ho et al. (1982))
Adiabatic I+ = 149, 130 amu-A^2; sigma = 2
Active molecular K-rotor 1.8 amu-A^2, sigma = 1
v = 3125, 1830, 1523, 936, 840 cm^(-1)

Transition state 2. H + HCO

<delta-E>(0K) = 86.6 kcal/mol
Adiabatic I+ = 87.7, 87.7 amu-A^2; sigma = 1
Active molecular K-rotor 1.8 amu-A^2, sigma = 1
v = 3000, 1860, 1080 cm^(-1)
Hindered 2-D rotor I = 1.4 amu-A^2 (90%)
The pressure broadening is expressed in the Troe form.

Comparison of decomposition, k_o in Ar at 2000 K (cm3/mol s)
ReferenceH2 + COH + HCO
GRI-Mech 1.6E8 3.0E7
Just (1981) 2.2E8 2.5E7
Dean et al. (1980)   4.6E7
Forst (1983) 1.3E8 4.3E7

Just (1981)
Just, Th. (1981) in Shock Waves in Chemistry, A. Lifshitz, ed., Marcel Dekker, NY, p. 303.
Dean et al. (1980)
Dean, A.M., Johnson, R.L., and Steiner, D.C. (1980) Combust. Flame 37, 41.
Forst (1983)
Forst, W. (1983) J. Phys. Chem. 87, 4489.
Ho et al. (1982)
Ho, P., Bamford, D.M., Buss, R.J., Lee, Y.T., and Moore, C.B. (1982) J. Chem. Phys. 76, 3630.

                        PRESSURE = 0.1 atm N2  
    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq     
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   (cm3/mol)  
     300       -26.2          .5    2.03E-48    9.51E-47    2.13E-02
     500       -28.6         -.5    7.26E-25    1.98E-23    3.66E-02
    1000       -30.0        -1.3    9.36E-08    2.05E-06    4.56E-02
    1500       -29.8        -1.2    2.07E-02    3.78E-01    5.48E-02
    2000       -29.5         -.6    6.43E+00    9.50E+01    6.76E-02
    2500       -29.2          .0    1.57E+02    1.89E+03    8.32E-02
    3000       -29.0          .7    1.15E+03    1.14E+04    1.01E-01

                        PRESSURE = 1 atm N2    
    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq     
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   (cm3/mol)  
     300       -26.2          .5    9.54E-48    4.48E-46    2.13E-02
     500       -28.6         -.5    2.98E-24    8.15E-23    3.66E-02
    1000       -30.0        -1.3    6.16E-07    1.35E-05    4.56E-02
    1500       -29.8        -1.2    1.60E-01    2.91E+00    5.48E-02
    2000       -29.5         -.6    5.12E+01    7.58E+02    6.76E-02
    2500       -29.2          .0    1.27E+03    1.52E+04    8.32E-02
    3000       -29.0          .7    9.38E+03    9.28E+04    1.01E-01

                        PRESSURE = 10 atm N2   
    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq     
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   (cm3/mol)  
     300       -26.2          .5    1.84E-47    8.62E-46    2.13E-02
     500       -28.6         -.5    5.88E-24    1.61E-22    3.66E-02
    1000       -30.0        -1.3    1.88E-06    4.12E-05    4.56E-02
    1500       -29.8        -1.2    7.70E-01    1.41E+01    5.48E-02
    2000       -29.5         -.6    3.08E+02    4.55E+03    6.76E-02
    2500       -29.2          .0    8.29E+03    9.97E+04    8.32E-02
    3000       -29.0          .7    6.45E+04    6.38E+05    1.01E-01

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