O + C2H2 -> OH + C2H

k = 4.60E+19/T^1.41 exp(-28950 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s

For temperatures above 1500 K fit to values from Miller and Bowman (1989). Their expression, however, yields extremely high rate constants for the reverse exothermic reaction at low temperatures. To correct this situation, we constrained the reverse rate constant to values of 1.0e14 at 1000K and 3.7e15 at 300 K.

Miller, J.A., and Bowman, C.T. (1989) Prog. Energy Combust. Sci. 15, 287

    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   

     300         8.4        30.6    1.20E-05    3.67E+15    3.28E-21
     500         8.7        30.7    1.60E+03    5.49E+14    2.91E-12
    1000         8.1        30.3    1.28E+09    9.02E+13    1.41E-05
    1500         7.6        29.7    9.26E+10    4.26E+13    2.17E-03
    2000         7.3        29.1    7.00E+11    2.74E+13    2.56E-02
    2500         7.0        28.5    2.19E+12    2.01E+13    1.09E-01
    3000         6.7        27.8    4.48E+12    1.60E+13    2.80E-01

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