OH + H2O2 -> HO2 + H2O

k = 1.75E+12 exp(-320 cal/mol /RT) + 5.80E+14 exp(-9560 cal/mol /RT) cm3/mol s

The reaction is entered twice to provide a dual-exponential fit to the following data:

    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   

     300         -.1       -31.7    1.02E+12    8.23E-12    1.24E+23
     500         -.6       -31.9    1.31E+12    1.96E-02    6.68E+13
    1000        -1.4       -32.5    6.21E+12    9.92E+05    6.26E+06
    1500        -1.8       -32.9    2.51E+13    9.64E+08    2.60E+04
    2000        -1.9       -33.2    5.39E+13    3.33E+10    1.62E+03
    2500        -1.9       -33.2    8.63E+13    2.83E+11    3.05E+02
    3000        -1.9       -33.1    1.19E+14    1.19E+12    1.00E+02

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