OH + OH (+M) -> H2O2 (+M)

k_o = 2.30E+18 T^(-0.9) exp(1700 cal/mol /RT) cm^6/mol^2 s

k_inf = 7.40E+13 T^(-0.37) cm3/mol s

F_cent = (1-0.735) exp(-T/94) + 0.735 exp(-T/1756) + exp(-5182/T)

Third-body efficiencies:

N2 1.0 H2 Enhanced by 2.0 H2O Enhanced by 6.0 CH4 Enhanced by 2.0 CO Enhanced by 1.5 CO2 Enhanced by 2.0 C2H6 Enhanced by 3.0 Ar Enhanced by 0.7

RRKM calculations.
The k_inf expression is from Zellner et al. (1988); the k_o expression is from a fit to the expression of Baulch et al. (1992) the reverse reaction rate coefficient and the 300 K result Zellner et al. (1988).
The pressure broadening is expressed in the Troe form.
Zellner et al. (1988)
Zellner, R.E, Ewig, F., Paschke, R., and Wagner, H.Gg. (1988) J. Phys. Chem. 92, 4184.
Baulch et al. (1992)
Baulch, D.L., Cobos, C.J., Cox, R.A., Esser, C., Frank, P., Just, Th., Kerr, J.A., Pilling, M.J., Troe, J., Walker, R.W., and Warnatz, J. J. (1992) J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data 21, 411.

                        PRESSURE = 0.1 atm N2  
    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq     
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   (cm3/mol)  
     300       -31.8       -51.3    6.92E+11    1.08E-23    6.40E+34
     500       -33.4       -51.9    9.48E+10    9.52E-10    9.95E+19
    1000       -34.0       -52.2    1.06E+10    1.31E+01    8.07E+08
    1500       -33.7       -51.9    3.52E+09    1.83E+04    1.93E+05
    2000       -33.5       -51.4    1.74E+09    5.18E+05    3.36E+03
    2500       -33.2       -50.9    1.05E+09    3.30E+06    3.19E+02
    3000       -33.0       -50.4    7.19E+08    1.03E+07    7.01E+01

                        PRESSURE = 1 atm N2    
    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq     
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   (cm3/mol)  
     300       -31.8       -51.3    2.98E+12    4.66E-23    6.40E+34
     500       -33.4       -51.9    7.09E+11    7.13E-09    9.95E+19
    1000       -34.0       -52.2    9.06E+10    1.12E+02    8.07E+08
    1500       -33.7       -51.9    3.05E+10    1.58E+05    1.93E+05
    2000       -33.5       -51.4    1.52E+10    4.51E+06    3.36E+03
    2500       -33.2       -50.9    9.30E+09    2.92E+07    3.19E+02
    3000       -33.0       -50.4    6.45E+09    9.20E+07    7.01E+01

                        PRESSURE = 10 atm N2   
    Temp      delta-S     delta-H      kf          kr         Keq     
     (K)    (cal/mol K)  (kcal/mol) ----(mol,cm3,s)-----   (cm3/mol)  
     300       -31.8       -51.3    6.27E+12    9.79E-23    6.40E+34
     500       -33.4       -51.9    2.50E+12    2.52E-08    9.95E+19
    1000       -34.0       -52.2    5.64E+11    6.98E+02    8.07E+08
    1500       -33.7       -51.9    2.12E+11    1.10E+06    1.93E+05
    2000       -33.5       -51.4    1.11E+11    3.29E+07    3.36E+03
    2500       -33.2       -50.9    7.08E+10    2.22E+08    3.19E+02
    3000       -33.0       -50.4    5.11E+10    7.29E+08    7.01E+01

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