we are continuously updating and expanding this Web site. If you noted any typos,
errors, or have a suggestion regarding the Web site or the GRI-Mech
itself, please let us know. We list such questions
and comments along with our replies in BUGFIX file.
The spotted typos and errors of a more serious nature are also addressed in
Recent Additions below.While the new GRI-Mech releases will be announced, the many extensions and additions to the Web page itself will remain 'silent'. You may, however, quickly check on the recent and upcoming additions to the page by periodically browsing through the information given below.
reaction rate coefficients
(February 20, 1996)
including now the N-containing species of GRI-Mech 2.11
as well.(April 11, 1996)
GRI-Mech 2.11
(February 20, 1996)
GRI-Mech 1.2
has been compared with new shock-tube measurements of OH profilies in
high-pressure methane ignition from Stanford University
(Petersen, Davidson, Rohrig, Hanson and Bowman).
(December 18, 1995)
GRI-Mech 2.11
replaced GRI-Mech 2.1
.GRI-Mech 2.1
. The 'E' terms in the rate
constant expressions for reactions (277) NH3 + H = NH2 + H2 and (278) NH3 + OH =
NH2 + H2O should be positive rather than negative as originally given. The
mechanism file has been corrected as of November 4, 1995, and the corrected
version is referred to as GRI-Mech
. This change does not affect our results because the
mechanism was not designed for ammonia or deNOx kinetics, and none of the targets
chosen for the 2.1 version or validation experiments tested afterwards show
measurable sensitivity to these reactions. Recalculations of all targets and
validation experiments has been done with GRI-Mech 2.11
No significant changes from the results obtained using
GRI-Mech 2.1
were found.
(November 21, 1995)
GRI-Mech 2.11
(November 3, 1995)
GRI-Mech 2.1
is added, which includes discription of the optimization targets chosen,
sensitivity diagrams computed for these targets, and results of the
validation tests performed. (October 3, 1995)
GRI-Mech 1.2
(October 3, 1995)